Helping pull together a landscape design or a larger project makeover for those with busy schedules that have a hard time getting together – or – for those who are Out of Towners

One tool that we’ve been working with that was introduced through an increasing number of our customers in 2013 was the Free website Called “” .
Some of you may be familiar with Pinterest, and for those of you who are not, it has been a great tool for both us and our customers in putting together different aspects of projects and designs. is basically like an on-line bulletin board that we can share and work on together, at no cost, at any time you wish, anywhere you have a moment and internet access.
We provide hundreds and hundreds of different styles and types of photos, from pool or kitchen, pergola, retaining wall designs for example, down to other more specific catalogs of palms, plants, trees, lights & stones. If you are “Following Us” on, which you can do by simply clicking on the button we have embedded here and throughout our website – it will take you directly to our Pinterest page.
Once “Following” us, Universal Landscape, Inc., this seems to help us find your profile at times to view any photos that you “liked” or “pinned” to your own project folder that you create. (Again, for free, no charge at any time to use this site.) It’s not necessary to follow our page, but is appreciated and when we search your user name, it has helped at times for finding some people’s Pinterest pages.
After your session of going through our photo albums, there is a few things you can do :
1. After you’ve Created the Pinterest Board, letting us know you’ve created the pins and put them into a new Pinterest Board
We receive a notice which can help but we ask that you send us an email with your Pinterest account name your using we can search and know when you’ve made your pins.
2. Letting us know your Pinterest Account / User Name so we can find the board you’ve created to see your pins
If you don’t hear back the same day or by the following day, we may wish to follow up with a call to make sure that the board was created and to make sure we can view it, or to make sure we have the correct user name.
This site has become a very valuable tool for designing entire projects with those who live out of town as we’ve mentioned, for those with busy schedules or if both spouses are not available sometimes when we’ve had our initial FREE Consultation and design meeting.
From your landscape designs and installations, your drainage issues, lighting, new or renovated pools, outdoor kitchens and more, we have appreciated this tool at times along with our customer’s in helping to create a sought after custom design.