Customer is asking if new Penta Flowers installed are dying?
Question : Hi, As we discussed, here are the pictures of the white Pentas that seem to be dying. The sprinkles are still set and we’ve had a lot of rain so I can’t imagine it’s been from lack of water. I took a picture of the red ones as well- as you can see, those are doing fine.

Answer : Thank you for the photos, very helpful. Not all plants are going to take as well as quickly right upon installation. It is literally, usually, the roughest time in a plant or trees life.
It’s been a week and it is not uncommon to see a brown leaf or even several on any new plant or tree. It’s not pleasant to see at first and can be concerning, but is not very uncommon.
We’ve been getting a good bit of rain this May thankfully, so I would continue to keep an eye on the Penta flowers, noticeable you’re concerned more about the White flowering Pentas than the Red, but the Red can do the same.
I advise to keep us posted in a few weeks, 3 to 4. If they are still browning at that time, please send an email and let us know. Right now, it looks like a couple of them are going through a ‘shock’ a bit after installation, which is not uncommon.
It is very possible in the coming weeks and months that they will become established and grow to be healthy. If they struggle over the coming months, let us know as you’ve done here with photos and the email and we can replace for you.
Thank you again for sending the photos and letting us know, it helps us to keep a record of them as well.